Meeting Agendas


The City Council meeting agendas are prepared by the City Auditor several days prior to each Council meeting. Please submit agenda to Jennie Hanna, Auditor prior to the meeting.  The Auditor may be contacted through email - or by calling 701-427-5272. 


All communications, records, or other information submitted to the City Office to be placed on the agenda is treated as a public record. The deadline for submitting items for the agenda is noon on the Wednesday prior to the next meeting. A single, original document addressed to the Mayor and Council - with specifics regarding the proposed agenda item - must be submitted with your request for an agenda item. It is at the discretion of the Mayor to limit agenda items to one item per person per meeting. Action on any items presented by residents will be acted upon at the discretion of the Mayor and City Council.


A public comment period is provided for at each meeting.  Each individual wishing to be heard during the public comment period of the meeting will be given up to 5 minutes to make a comment. Each person will be limited to one turn. The Mayor may use discretion whether to allow repeat statements from the same individual. The total time limit for speaking is 15 minutes for all speakers. No council action should be expected during public comments, as the council needs to thoroughly study all proposals or requests not of routine nature.  Public comment will not be used as a time for problem solving or reacting to comments made, but, rather for hearing citizens comments. 


Mission Statement

The City of Milnor will provide strong leadership, a responsive government and effective services for its citizens that enhances their quality of life. 
Our citizens are our greatest asset and we provide for the communities needs through quality service and leadership. 

Core Values

Fiscal Integrity
Service and Safety
Quality Living Environment
Community Sustainability
Open and Accessible Government