Services - Online Permits, Forms and Maps
Please click on the form which applies to your interest below and complete the form. After we receive your submission we will process your request and contact you with your approval or request any additional information necessary to complete your request. Thank you.
Note: If you do not want to complete this form directly from the site you may also click on the downloadable version. All download forms are set up in Adobe Acrobat as PDF files. You will have to have the appropriate reader to print and mail in your completed form.
Building Permit
Dog Licenses
All dogs within the City of Milnor must be licensed and a copy of proof of vaccination is required to obtain a dog license. Additional information needed includes: Name, Color, Breed, Male or Female, Neutered, Spayed or Unadulterated. Dog licenses are available at City Hall for $10.00.
Licenses are due yearly.
Failure to license a dog is a violation of city ordinance and is subject to a fine not to exceed $500.00 and shall be fined not less than $10.00.