North Dakota Income Tax Incentive

An income tax credit is available for a single-family residence that is owned and used as the primary place of residence and has qualified as an approved Renaissance Zone project. The tax credit is equal to $10,000 per year over a five-year credit period.

A business or investment income exemption is available to a taxpayer for income tax purposes which has qualified as an approved Renaissance Zone project. The exemption is allowed only with respect to the portion of the taxpayer’s North Dakota business or investment income that is attributable to the zone project property. The exemption is allowed in each year of a five-year exemption period.

New Residential Construction

  1. All new residential construction must meet the zoning and building requirements of the City of Milnor including the provisions of this plan.
  2. Plans and application must be submitted and approved by the City Council and by the North Dakota Division of Community Services.
  3. Must be the primary residence of the owner.