America Legion
History and background of America Legion, Milnor, ND
The formation and first meeting of Post # 148 was held on January 22, 1920. The Post was named after First Lt. Lewis M Thune and Cpl. Albert Smith. The First Commander was David L Vail with a membership of 30 in 1920. The membership grew to 106 by 1947 and the current membership is 62.
The first home of the American Legion was built in 1924 with an addition in 1934 and was referred to as the "Legion Hall". The building was vacated and turned over to the City of Milnor in the late 1980"s and the current home is shared with the Milnor VFW
The American Legion supports the Boy and Girls State programs.
We welcome all Veterans who would like to join us and uphold America’s traditions to honor Veterans and our Flag. Come join us.
Current officers are:
- Commander: Chad Crandall
- Adjutant: Tracy Lien
In 2006, member of the American Legion and the VFW organized a committee to design and build a veterans monument to honor all the local people who have served their country. In July 2008 during the Milnor's 125th celebration the new monument was dedicated. As part of the new Freedom Park on Main Street, we now have a 8 by 20 foot black granite monument with approximately 800 names of former and current service men and women inscribed on it. Freedom Park is a beautiful setting for a beautiful monument which is a lasting tribute to all veterans of this area.