The Gibbon-Miller Memorial Veterans of Foreign Wars Post # 9069 was founded in 1947 by 12 local World War II veterans and has remained an active part of the community ever since that date. Currently the post has over 80 members, all veterans of our nation’s conflicts.

The post has remained dedicated to honoring and supporting the service of our local area men and women. It does so by actively supporting various veteran recognition events to include Memorial Day activities and Veterans Day meals. The VFW provides honor guards in support of military funerals for our Veterans.

Membership is available to any veteran that meets the service requirements set forth by the National VFW membership criteria and can be gained by contacting any local VFW member or by going on-line to www.vfw.org.  

Current officers are:

  • Commander:  Randy Odegard
  • Quarter Master:  Peter Christiansen
  • Post Chaplin:  Chad Crandall