
Milnor Receives Main Street Awards

2021 - Governor Burgum presented the Milnor Community the Healthy, Vibrant Community Award  for creating a healthy and happy community.  The award recognizes three projects accomplished in 2021 with a mural on Main Street that celebrates the Sheyenne National Grasslands named “Gateway to the Grasslands”; excellent use of an unused space next to their City Hall by incorporating a patio, curved bench, and flowers and the addition of a walking path and wildlife observation deck on Storm Lake to improve quality of life for residents and visitors with exercise and enjoyment of North Dakota’s outdoors.  


2020 - Governor Burgum presented the Milnor Community the Main Street Smart, Efficient Infrastructure Award through a virtual award ceremony at the ND Main Street Summit in Bismarck.  This award recognizes a community that has made sound planning decisions by investing in spaces with existing infrastructure.  The award was in conjunction with the purchase and renovation of the community’s grocery store.  The award recognizes Milnor’s effort to demonstrate successful public-private partnerships, community centered efforts and benefits and effective use and revitalization of an existing structure.


2019 - Governor Burgum and Lt. Governor Sanford presented the Milnor Community the Main Street Excellence Award at the ND Main Street Summit in Bismarck. The award recognized Milnor for demonstrating through their activities the three pillars of Main Street success - Smart, Efficient Infrastructure; 21st Century Workforce; and Healthy, Vibrant Communities. Accepting the award are Carol Peterson, Monty Haugen and Terry Dusek. Areas that the Milnor community aspired were building a childcare center, building a new fire and ambulance facility, planting over 325 trees in the last ten years, collaborating with NDSCS in their Jump Start Program, improving cellular service, managing a successful Renaissance Zone, annexation of an commercial/industrial zone, encouraging new businesses which brought in over 22 new businesses in the last ten years, bringing natural gas to our community and expanding our residential district with an addition of 49 lots. The Milnor Satellite Club received an Honorable Mention in the Vibrancy Award category for their various programs especially the Wednesday Nights at the Park. Congratulations to the Satellite Club and the entire Milnor Community. Proud of our community!